New Season - New Website
We hope that you like our "New Look" website - we've been working hard on it this winter. We're rather pleased with it and believe that with all the extra pictures it allows us to show off both Spreacombe and the wider North Devon area to their best effect - its also "responsive", meaning that it works well on a phone and tablet as well as the traditional pc - definitely a 2016 requirement.
Also on the technological front, many of you will have noticed that we had Wi-Fi installed at the cottages last year. I refer to it as "rural" Wi-Fi ; we are definitely not in a fibre optic area but never-the-less a big step forwards.
. ... .And the good news for those of you that come to Spreacombe regularly is that, despite all this technological speak, we are still quiet, peaceful and a great "get away" spot. At the minute we are busy lambing which is taking up most of our time but the decorators are at the cottages and we will soon be ready for Easter opening.